Luke 5:17-26 Ideas for Family Worship

This is one of the most visual and visually dramatic of Jesus’ miracles.  Where else do you see people dismantling a house in order to get someone to Jesus.  There are plenty of craft activities available for you to do as you engage your child(ren) in this passage: for example here, there is a crossword you can do here, and a video to watch here:

There are some big ideas in the passage.  The religious leaders accuse Jesus of ‘blasphemy’ (5:21).  It’s going to be worth your while exploring that.  In this context that seems to focus on the idea of taking to yourself something that is only God’s prerogative!  If only God can forgive sins, then if someone presumes to do that, it’s a pretty big claim.  Of course – it is one Jesus can legitimately make, because He is God...  something this passage goes someway to clarifying for us.  It does of course raise the obvious question about why we are then commanded to forgive sins too (e.g. Matt.6:14-15).  What is the connection between God’s forgiving of sin and our forgiving of sin? 

you might want to explore what it means to be forgiven? ...and perhaps what forgiveness is not.  forgive and forget is (a) not possible, and (b) not a Biblical idea.  I think you’ll find the same is true of trying to forgive people who don’t repent (see Luke 17:3-4) – not even God forgives those who don’t repent!  Are there any other ideas bout forgiveness that might have been picked up that need to be clarified or corrected?  This would be a great opportunity to find out!  What a great conversation that could turn out to be...  and then a basis for praying together? 

There is a good story (Parable) Jesus tells about forgiveness at Luke 7:40-48

helping our child(ren) and young people think through the reality of forgiveness is an important part of them navigating their spiritual experience.  The Catechism that we use at DTP might help here:

196. What is God’s forgiveness?

God’s forgiveness is his merciful pardon of sin and removal of the guilt that results from our disobedience.

197. On what basis do you ask forgiveness?

I ask God our loving Father to forgive me through his Son, Jesus Christ, who bore my sins upon the Cross, so that through faith and Baptism I can receive his righteousness.

198. Does God forgive your sins?

Yes. In Christ, God freely forgives the sins of all, including me, who sincerely repent and in true faith turn to him.


A good memory verse might be: Ps.32:1-2, Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.

You can download a single side of A4 version of this here.