Num.9:1-14 Ideas for Family Worship

Why not have a simple Messianic Passover meal for dinner tonight?  Roast lamb, pitta (unleavened bread), grape juice / wine, parsley (instead of bitter herbs) - I’ll leave it to you to decide whether to have salted water (to remember the tears shed).  You could read the story of the Passover, or watch the film, ‘Prince of Egypt’ and talk about how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Passover.  There are more complicated versions of the Messianic Passover on line, but this would get the idea across.  There is a full account in Ex.12, and bit of liturgy that goes with the meal in Ex.13:14-16.

As you enjoy this simple meal together, talk as a family about what it means to live in a way that is enslaved to sin, under the tyranny of the devil, and under the shadow of death.  And what it means to be liberated to live as the people of God.  There are all kinds of bases you could hit, such as Jesus’ teaching in John 8:31-47; or exploring how ‘celebrity culture’ is born out of our fear of death; or exploring the difference between slavery and freedom, and what it means to be free as a Christian. You might find it helpful to connect it with Communion (see e.g.. Matt.26).


For younger children, you might find this a helpful resource:

Jesus Storybook Bible, ‘God to the rescue’, available at:


As parents we are chief evangelists and disciple-makers when it comes to our children.  This gives us an incredible opportunity to talk with our children about what it means to trust in the death of Christ for salvation...  why being good or having your own bespoke spirituality isn’t really going to help...  we can talk with them about how the Lord delivered His people and then taught them how to live by giving them the 10 Commandments.  We can explore what it means to be those who obey everything HE has commanded...  and all in the context of a meal!!

